

package sbtplugin

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AbstractJSDep extends AnyRef

    Something JavaScript related a project may depend on.

  2. sealed trait JSModuleID extends AbstractJSDep

    A JavaScript module/library a Scala.

  3. final case class JarJSModuleID(module: ModuleID, jsDep: JSDependency) extends JSModuleID with Product with Serializable

    A JavaScript module that resides inside a jar (probably webjar)

  4. final class OptimizerOptions extends AnyRef

    Various options for the Scala.

  5. final case class ProvidedJSModuleID(jsDep: JSDependency, configurations: Option[String]) extends JSModuleID with Product with Serializable

    A JavaScript module that we depend on, but is provided externally or by the project itself

  6. final case class RuntimeDOMDep(configurations: Option[String]) extends AbstractJSDep with Product with Serializable

  7. sealed trait Stage extends AnyRef

  8. class LoggerJSConsole extends JSConsole

    A proxy for a Logger that looks like a Mozilla console object

Value Members

  1. object FrameworkDetector

  2. object JarJSModuleID extends Serializable

  3. object Loggers

  4. object OptimizerOptions

  5. object ProvidedJSModuleID extends Serializable

  6. object ScalaJSCrossVersion

  7. object ScalaJSJUnitPlugin extends AutoPlugin

  8. object ScalaJSPlugin extends AutoPlugin

  9. object ScalaJSPluginInternal

    Contains settings used by ScalaJSPlugin that should not be automatically be in the *.

  10. object Stage

  11. package cross

  12. package impl

  13. package internal

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object Implicits


    (Since version 0.6.10) Use sbtplugin.Loggers explicitly instead.
