
package linker

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. linker
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. type CheckedBehavior = sem.CheckedBehavior
  2. final class ClearableLinker extends GenLinker

    A box around a GenLinker to support clearing.

    A box around a GenLinker to support clearing.

    This further supports:

    • batch mode (clearing after every operation)
    • clearing if linker throws

    This class is not thread-safe.

  3. trait GenLinker extends AnyRef

    Common supertrait of Linker and ClearableLinker.

    Common supertrait of Linker and ClearableLinker.

    Essentially anything that has the link and linkUnit methods.

  4. final class LinkedClass extends AnyRef

    A ClassDef after linking.

    A ClassDef after linking.

    Note that the version in the LinkedClass does not cover staticMethods, memberMethods, abstractMethods and exportedMembers as they have their individual versions. (The collections themselves are not versioned).

    Moreover, the version is relative to the identity of a LinkedClass. The definition of identity varies as linked classes progress through the linking pipeline, but it only gets stronger, i.e., if two linked classes are id-different at phase P, then they must also be id-different at phase P+1. The converse is not true. This guarantees that versions can be used reliably to determine at phase P+1 whether a linked class coming from phase P must be reprocessed.

  5. final class LinkedMember [+T <: Tree] extends AnyRef

    A MethodDef or a PropertyDef after linking.

    A MethodDef or a PropertyDef after linking.

    Note that the version is relative to the identity of a LinkedMember. The definition of identity varies as linked members progress through the linking pipeline, but it only gets stronger, i.e., if two linked members are id-different at phase P, then they must also be id-different at phase P+1. The converse is not true. This guarantees that versions can be used reliably to determine at phase P+1 whether a linked member coming from phase P must be reprocessed.

  6. final class Linker extends GenLinker

    The Scala.js linker

  7. trait LinkerPlatformExtensions extends AnyRef
  8. class LinkingException extends Exception

    Thrown by the linker when linking cannot be performed.

  9. final class LinkingUnit extends AnyRef
  10. sealed abstract class ModuleInitializer extends AnyRef

    A module initializer for a Scala.js application.

    A module initializer for a Scala.js application.

    When linking a Scala.js application, a sequence of ModuleInitializers can be given. Those module initializers will be executed at the startup of the application. More specifically, the top-level code of the ECMAScript 2015 module emitted for the application will invoke the specified module initializers in the specified order, after having initialized everything else (notably static initializers).

    Instances of ModuleInitializer can be created with methods of the ModuleInitializer companion object.

  11. type ModuleKind = linker.backend.ModuleKind
  12. type Semantics = sem.Semantics

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object LinkingUnit

    (Since version 0.6.15) This object only contains deprecated members.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
