JavaScript Environments

In order to decide how to run JavaScript code, the Scala.js sbt plugin uses the setting key jsEnv. By default, jsEnv is set to use Node.js, which you need to install separately.


Node.js is the default environment used by Scala.js. You can also explicitly enable it, for example to customize it, using the following sbt setting:

jsEnv := new org.scalajs.jsenv.nodejs.NodeJSEnv()

Node.js on Ubuntu

The easiest way to handle Node.js versions and installations on Ubuntu (and in Linux systems in general) is to use nvm. All instructions are included.

Then run nvm to install the version of Node.js that you want:

nvm install 5.0

For more options of the Node.js environment, see the Scaladoc of NodeJSEnv.

Node.js with JSDOM

This environment uses jsdom to provide a headless browser environment on top of Node.js. You can enable it with the following sbt setting:

jsEnv := new org.scalajs.jsenv.jsdomnodejs.JSDOMNodeJSEnv()

You will need to npm install jsdom for the above environment to work.

The above setting requires the following line in your project/plugins.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "org.scala-js" %% "scalajs-env-jsdom-nodejs" % "1.0.0"


PhantomJS is a Webkit-based headless browser. You can use it with Scala.js with the following sbt setting:

jsEnv := PhantomJSEnv().value

The above setting requires the following line in your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs-env-phantomjs" % "1.0.0")

Passing arguments to PhantomJS

You can pass command-line arguments to the PhantomJS interpreter like this:

jsEnv := PhantomJSEnv(args = Seq("arg1", "arg2")).value

For more options of the PhantomJS environment, see the Scaladoc of PhantomJSEnv.


Playwright is a comprehensive testing library, enabling automation of Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit browsers.

It supports multiple platforms and languages, including Mobile Web, making it an optimal choice for testing JavaScript in real browser environments.

scala-js-env-playwright is an independent project that offers a JSEnv that uses Playwright for JavaScript execution.

The playwright-based jsEnv can be enabled by adding the following settings in build.sbt

jsEnv := new PWEnv(
        browserName = "chrome",
        headless = true,
        showLogs = true

Addtionally it requires the following line in project/plugins.sbt:

// For Scala.js 1.x
libraryDependencies += "io.github.gmkumar2005" %% "scala-js-env-playwright" % "0.1.11"

The browserName parameter accepts chrome , chromium , firefox, and webkit as possible options. Please be aware that webkit support is currently in an experimental stage. It is fully tested on macOS and your mileage may vary on other platforms.

In browser debugging

keepAlive is a work in progress. It is not fully functional yet. As a workaround introducing delay in the test cases may help to keep the browser alive.


Additional debug information can be enabled by setting debug to true. It will also print the version of the browser which is used.

jsEnv := new PWEnv(
        browserName = "chrome",
        headless = true,
        debug = true

Headless Usage

Running in headless mode is crucial for operations within Docker containers and build servers.

By default, scala-js-env-playwright operates in headless mode. However, for debugging purposes, you can set headless to false.


For more options of the playWright environment see the github project PlayWright-jsEnv


Selenium provides a programmatic interface to real browsers. See the separate project scalajs-env-selenium for instructions on how to use with Scala.js.