
Announcing Scala.js 1.7.1

Oct 7, 2021

We are pleased to announce the release of Scala.js 1.7.1!

This is mostly a bugfix release. It also updates the version of the Scala standard library to 2.12.15 for 2.12.x versions.

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Announcing Scala.js 1.7.0

Aug 4, 2021

We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 1.7.0!

This release fixes a number of bugs. In particular, regular expressions, available through java.util.regex.Pattern or Scala’s Regex and .r method, now behave in the same way as on the JVM. This change has compatibility implications, which we discuss below.

Moreover, this release fixes all the known bugs that were left. As of this writing, Scala.js 1.7.0 has zero known bugs!

The Scala standard library was upgraded to versions 2.12.14 and 2.13.6.

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Announcing Scala.js 1.6.0

Jun 9, 2021

We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 1.6.0!

This release fixes a number of bugs and brings new interoperability features, notably js.import.meta. It also brings new facades for js.WeakRef and js.FinalizationRegistry, while proper implementations of java.lang.ref.* are moved to separate libraries.

The Scala standard library was upgraded to versions 2.12.13 and 2.13.5.

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Announcing Scala.js 1.5.1

Apr 1, 2021

We are pleased to announce the release of Scala.js 1.5.1!

This release mostly contains additions and improvements in the JDK libraries. In particular, several APIs involving floating point numbers have been fixed, from parsing to bit manipulation to formatting.

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Announcing Scala.js 1.5.0

Feb 12, 2021

We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 1.5.0!

This is mostly a bugfix release, including fixes for some important bugs related to dynamic module loading, which was introduced in 1.4.0.

The main non-bug fix improvement is the introduction of custom JS function types. It is now possible to declare custom subtraits of js.Function with arbitrary apply signatures. Notably, this allows to declare types for JS functions with varargs.

Scala.js 1.5.0 adds support for the imminent Scala 2.13.5. Previous versions of Scala.js, including Scala.js 0.6.x, will not work with Scala 2.13.5+.

Finally, due to the announcement by JFrog to discontinue Bintray, we are now publishing the sbt-scalajs sbt plugin to Maven Central, like all our other artifacts. Discussions are in progress with key actors of the Scala ecosystem about how to preserve all the previously published sbt plugins (sbt-scalajs being just one of many).

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Announcing Scala.js 1.4.0

Jan 12, 2021

We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 1.4.0!

This release complements the module splitting support, introduced in Scala.js 1.3.0, with support for dynamic module loading. It is now possible to structure an application such that specific features are only loaded if necessary, the first time they are used.

In addition, this release significantly improves the performance of scala.Array. In particular, arrays of numeric types (except Longs) are implemented with JavaScript typed arrays under the hood.

This release also contains a number of bug fixes. The version of the Scala standard library for 2.13.x was upgraded to 2.13.4.

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